Hungarian Language and Cultural Studies Programme (cross-semester)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary (hereunder (MFA) based on the 241/2016. (VIII.16.) Government Decree and the 11/2022 (IX.6.) MFA Order on the Organizational and Operational Rules of the MFA, within the Balassi Scholarship Programme with Márton Áron Scholarship invites applications from individuals of Hungarian descent living in the Southern Hemisphere’s Diaspora outside the Carpathian Basin who wish to strengthen their language knowledge and cultural identity in the academic year of 2023 for the Hungarian Language and Cultural Studies Programme.
Deadline of applications: 28 October 2022, 24.00 (UTC+1)
The call of application
The call for application is published at:
Steps of application:
- Click the field „Fill in application form”
- Fill in the application form and upload the necessary documents:
- signed statement of the applicant (format: .pdf) [mandatory],
- CV (format: .doc, .docx) [mandatory],
- an approx. 300-word essay on why you would like to study in Hungary and how can utilize acquired knowledge at home country (format: .doc, .docx) [mandatory],
- copy of non-Hungarian passport or travel documents of recognition by Hungary (format: .pdf) [mandatory], ,
- copy of transcripts and diplomas (including study results) (format: .pdf) [mandatory],
- reference letter from a social organization (eg. scouts, school, foundation, church, etc.) or a recognized individual (format: .pdf) [recommended]
- Finish and submit the application
Please note the following during the application:
- we recommend using Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari browsers
- you can save the unfinished application after filling in the form, then later (but during the application period) you can continue to upload the documents or make a correction (using the data received by email)
- please make sure to upload all the necessary documents by the application deadline
- please pay attention to the emails you receive to your provided email address because any information regarding the application and application results will be sent to the applicants via email, by the specified date