Preparatory Programme of Entrance Examination and Matriculation Exam for Hungarians in the

Based on the 606/2023. (XII.22.) Government Decree and the 11/2022. (IX.6.) MFA Order on the Organizational and Operational Regulations of the MFA, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFA) invite applications for a Preparatory Programme of Entrance Examination and Matriculation Exam for Hungarians in the Diaspora in the academic year of 2024/2025.


Deadline of submitting the applications: August 1., 2024, 12:00 (UTC+1)

The call of application

The call for application is published at:

Steps of application:

  1. Click the field „Fill in application form”.
  2. Fill in the application form and upload the necessary documents:
    • signed, printed statement (format: .pdf, jpg, jpeg),
    • copy of the certificates of each grade of the secondary school (in Hungarian or English, in case of another language: with simple Hungarian translation) (format: .pdf, jpg, jpeg),
    • copy of the secondary school certificate obtained in homeland (in Hungarian or English, in case of another language: together with its simple Hungarian translation) (format: .pdf, jpg, jpeg),
    • copy of the certificate of matriculation exam obtained in Hungary at intermediate and/or advanced level, if any (format: .pdf, jpg, jpeg),
    • copy of passport (format: .pdf, jpg, jpeg),
    • statement of support or recommendation from the head of a Hungarian organization, association or council operating in the Applicant’s homeland, as a certification of successful work carried out by the Applicant in Hungarian communities in Western Europe or outside Europe (associations, scouting, etc.) (optional condition) (format: .pdf, jpg, jpeg),
    • copy of the proof of permanent residence (format: .pdf, jpg, jpeg)
    • in case of applying for a degree in the field of art and art-mediation, a written recommendation on the applicant’s talent and level of professional knowledge is required (format: .pdf, jpg, jpeg),
    • motivation letter up to one page: why do I want to study in Hungary? (in Hungarian or English) (format: .pdf, jpg, jpeg)
  3. Finish and submit the application

Please note the following during the application:

  • we recommend using Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari browsers
  • you can save the unfinished application after filling in the form, then later (but during the application period) you can continue to upload the documents or make a correction (using the data received by email)
  • please make sure to upload all the necessary documents by the application deadline
  • please pay attention to the emails you receive to your provided email address because any information regarding the application and application results will be sent to the applicants via email, by the specified date

Fill in application form
